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Airtop has all the traditional technical features of the Maggiolina but opens without effort: just remove the safety hooks and the 4 gas springs instantaneously open the tent. The shell of this roof top tent is raised by 2 different actions, from a changed position.
Open / Closers
Open / Closers

Recommended for 2 adults
Recommended for 2 adults + 1 child
Recommended for 2 adults + 2 childrenWith Autohome, quality is standard: production is not differentiated. Tents used by expert Tour leaders in the most extreme conditions, by explorers and travel professionals and adventurers are exactly the same as all the others: the highest quality available to everyone.
- Fiberglass shells: woven fabric impregnated with liquid resin. Heat resistant, strong, stable, an insulator that can be repaired whenever required.
- Ceiling: a false ceiling for heat insulation and soundproofing, creating a healthy and silent environment even when it rains.
- Base: “Sandwich” structure with 2 steel bars. Four built-in handles for easy manoeuvring.
- Fabric: Acrylic Dralon®. Waterproof and highly breathable. Heat resistant and allows moisture to escape naturally. No trapped moisture or bad smells. No need for fans, other contraptions or gadgets available on the market to rid the tent of moisture.
- Inner light: OSRAM® lamp with 3 adjustable leds for ultra-luminosity (12 Volt).
- Graduated closing hooks (material: Arnitel EL 550 ®)
- Mattress: in sponge rubber, density 25 kg/m³ uncrushable and with zip opening.
- Mattress and pillow cases: 100% cotton, matching.

V= with the tent closed, this indicates the capacity (volume) of the upper shell, in litres. The upper shell contains 2,3 or 4 pillows, according to the model, and other night-time accessories or personal effects.
For example, a rucksack, blankets, a beauty-case, or the ladder, the changing room, winter hood or other travel accessories can be fitted inside the tent, so they don’t take up room in the boot or inside the vehicle.
When choosing a roof tent, the shell height is important because it shows how much room there is inside and how easy it is to move about, hence the comfort.
Even just a few centimetres more or less make a big difference: everything has been calculated to ensure that a person of average height (170-190 cm) can sit comfortably without the head coming close to the ceiling.
The overall length of 210 cm provides optimum comfort and room for rucksacks or large blankets.
The width (SMALL /MEDIUM7LARGE) is according to the number of occupants
The width of the door L= 75 cm is designed for easy access even if you are not as slim and nimble as you used to be (most doors at home are about 75 cm wide).
The windows are big enough to give an excellent view and small enough not to compromise privacy.
The width of the front door is 75 cm, designed to provide a wide view and a possible entrance each side of the tent.
The width of the door L= 75 cm is designed for easy access.
Standard bases include 2 strong C-shaped steel bars to hook the tent onto the vehicle roof rails, using the clamps supplied.